Managing Teams and Team Members

This section explains how you can manage teams including team assignment, adding and removing players, coaches and managers from teams and export team lists. This section also explains how to use the age group view to get easy access to players, scores and teams for a particular age group & how to export grading results for an age group to MS-excel.


Step by Step

The Age Group View & Reviewing Scores

Describes the age groups view and how to access all the grading scores for an age group and export these to excel. (Video length - 2 mins)


Allocating Teams

Describes how to create teams from the grading summary view & assign players to teams. (Video length - 3 mins)


Managing Teams and Team members

Shows how to add players, coaches and managers to a team, how to change player details and communicate with the team via text or email. (Video length - 2 mins)


Exporting Team Lists

Describes how to export team lists (for provisional or final teams) from Team Grader. (Video length - 1 mins)


About Team Grader

Established in 2014, Team Grader is based in Sydney, Australia

Team Grader has been developed in conjunction with Lindfield FC on Sydney's North Shore

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