Managing Club Members

This section explains how you can manage club members including setting up Team Grader access for club officials & editing member details. This section also explains how to sign-up, log-in and change your own preferences. Advanced functions including the ability to merge duplicate member records and the data load process are also explained.


Step by Step

Roles and Security

Describes the diferent type of Team Grader users and what data they can edit in Team Grader. (Video length - 2 mins)


Creating & Maintaining Club Member Details

Describes how to set-up Team Grader users and edit club member data. (Video length - 4 mins)


Sign-up and Log-in

Shows how to first time users can sign-up for Team Grader and how existing users can log-in. (Video length - 3 mins)


My Preferences

Describes the functions available to a user in the My Preferences tab (including change details, change password, log-out & help options. (Video length - 2 mins)


Switch Person

Describes how a user (who is a member in more than 1 club) can change clubs. (Video length - 1 mins)


Merge Club Member Records

Describes how duplicate records (for the same club member) can be consolidated into one record. (Video length - 2 mins)


Club Member Data Load Process

Describes the data load process and how the data load program is used. (Video length - 4 mins)


About Team Grader

Established in 2014, Team Grader is based in Sydney, Australia

Team Grader has been developed in conjunction with Lindfield FC on Sydney's North Shore

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