
This section explains what needs to be done to set-up Team Grader for use by your club for the first time and also at the start of each season. This includes creating your club and creating age groups within your club. From the club's view, you can also configure the specific grading drills that your club uses, as well as export data for analysis in Excel. The vidoes show you how to analyse the exported data in excel - to look at how each grader has performed and assess the the Relative Age Effect within an age group.


Step by Step

Creating your Club

Describes how to set-up your club record and the functions available in the club view. (Video length - 2 mins)


Season Age Groups

Describes how to set-up your age groups each season and how this can be used to support clubs / schools with multiple sports. (Video length - 3 mins)


Customising Club Drills for a Sport

Shows how to change the drills that are used in your grading events. (Video length - 2 mins)


Exporting Club data

Describes how to export club data (Video length - 1 min)


Grader Performance and Relative Age Effect Reports

Explains how the exported data can be analysed in Excel to look at the performance of the graders and look at the Relative Age Effect within an age group. Excel templates for both these report are available to Team Grader customers. (Video length - 3 mins)


About Team Grader

Established in 2014, Team Grader is based in Sydney, Australia

Team Grader has been developed in conjunction with Lindfield FC on Sydney's North Shore

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